New Dentures
Starting at $275

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1012 FL-436 Casselberry, FL 32707


Same-Day Dentures. Extractions. Repairs. Relines & More!
Free Denture!
Based on Benefits You May Not Know Are Available
Call to Find Out How it Works.

Start Smiling Again With New Dentures

From partial dentures to full dentures for upper and lower teeth, Kush Dental specializes in providing affordable same-day complete dental prosthetic to restore the beauty of your teeth. Dentures are typically available the same day. Crowns and bridges take longer to process since the steps are time-sensitive. Contact us in Casselberry, Florida, to learn more about our denture fitting and placement services.

Dentist and Clients

All About Dentures

Dentures are removable appliances that can replace missing teeth and help restore your smile. If you’ve lost all of your natural teeth, whether from gum disease, tooth decay or injury, replacing missing teeth will benefit your appearance and your health. That’s because dentures make it easier to eat and speak better than you could without teeth—things that people often take for granted.

When you lose all of your teeth, facial muscles can sag, making you look older. Dentures can help fill out the appearance of your face and profile. They can be made to closely resemble your natural teeth so that your appearance does not change much. Dentures may even improve the look of your smile.

We offer all of the standard forms of tooth replacement available in modern dentistry. A full denture is made to restore both the teeth and the underlying bone when all the teeth are missing in an arch (upper or lower). Smaller, removable partial dentures can be used if generally healthy teeth are present adjacent to the space where the tooth or teeth have been lost. The partial is anchored to the surrounding teeth by attachment to healthy teeth, crowns, or caps affixed to the healthy teeth. Our affordable removable partial denture is more economical and is used to replace multiple missing teeth when there are insufficient natural teeth to support a fixed bridge, which is similar to a partial but permanent.
Denture teeth are made from high-quality acrylic resins, which make them stronger and more attractive than was once possible. More natural-looking teeth are more expensive, which leads to different prices from one denture type to another.

New Denture Confidence

The good news is you actually have nothing to worry about! You can still eat all the foods you've always enjoyed once you've gotten accustomed to your new dentures. To ensure this transition, there are steps you can take to help ensure you don't have any embarrassing denture slips at the dinner table. While eating with dentures may be challenging at first, it will get better if you follow these tips to help you eat with ease and enjoy wearing your dentures:

  • Begin with small quantities of food and cut them into small pieces.
  • Never bite on your front teeth and try to maintain a balance. Some people worry about how dentures will affect their speech. Consider how your speech is affected when you have several of your natural teeth missing. Your biting force will drastically be affected. Try not to bite with your front denture teeth as it will tip the denture and displaced it.
  • Put a small portion of food in your mouth, chew half of it on the back left side of your mouth and the other half on the back-right side. This will even out the pressure on your dentures.
  • Avoid starchy foods like bread or floury pasty foods; it can displace or dislodge your dentures.
  • Start with soft foods, such as eggs, fish, cooked vegetables or oatmeal. After you feel more confident, try eating chewier foods, such as fresh celery or broccoli, that tend to have a natural snap to them.
  • Pronouncing certain words may require practice. Reading out loud and repeating troublesome words will help. If your dentures "click" while you`re talking, speak more slowly. You may find that your dentures occasionally slip when you laugh, cough or smile. Reposition the dentures by gently biting down and swallowing. If a speaking problem persists, consult your dentist.
  • Food may lose its flavor at first, but don't panic; this is only temporary. At present, your mind is receiving strong signals from your mouth about your dentures, which overpower the messages from your taste buds. When you get accustomed to dentures, your mind will find a better balance and your sense of taste will improve.
  • Additionally, to help keep your dentures from slipping while you're enjoying your meal, you might try a secure denture adhesive. Fixodent is one such adhesive that can give you a long, stronghold on your dentures and help increase biting force. It also helps protect your mouth against some of dentures' hidden enemies, like food particles and bacteria that can cause bad breath.

Denture Problems

Be aware: dentures will most often take a few adjustments in the office before it gets comfortable, especially the lowers (also called floaters). The lower dentures are usually less comfortable and will take longer to get adjusted to your mouth. Therefore, one must be patient when dealing with lowers full denture. The more bone one has to support a denture, the less problems one will have conversely, the less bone you have to support your full lower denture the more difficult it will be to fit.  As you age, your mouth naturally changes, which can affect the fit of the denture.

Difficulty Chewing
Have the dentures adjusted or relined will improve the fit. Every so often as the shape of your mouth changes over time. Eventually, you’ll be able to eat most of the foods you’re accustomed to enjoying. Just make sure to chew thoroughly, using both sides of your mouth as evenly as possible. Even so, there are still some foods you should avoid or eat sparingly.

Foods to Avoid
 Sticky substances can move your dentures out of place, allowing food to get underneath the dentures and irritate your gums. Examples include peanut butter and gummy candies. Foods with small but stubborn pieces. Any food with pieces your natural teeth cannot grind or chew easily present problems for dentures. Popcorn kernels, sesame seeds on rolls, and shelled nuts or seeds can get stuck in and around dentures.

Hard Foods
Hard foods require your jaw and your dentures to apply uneven pressure. This can damage or dislodge dentures. Stay away from nuts, popcorn, apples, carrot sticks, and corn on the cob, except as an occasional treat. Tough meats. Foods that require many bites to tenderize them place unnecessary stress on dentures and gums. Too much chewing and grinding create sore spots where dentures and gums meet. Avoid pork chops, steak, and ribs to prevent sores from developing. 


Food to Enjoy With Dentures

If you find yourself missing any of the foods listed above, take heart! There are plenty of tasty substitutions available. Include these tasty options in your denture-friendly diet:Slow-cooked meats. In many cases, the longer you cook meat, the more tender it becomes. Many slow-cooking methods also add intense and deep flavors to meat. Try beef brisket, pulled pork, or pot roast. Ground meats. Ground meats are easy to eat with dentures because grinding them removes much of their toughness. Ground meats work in many recipes to casseroles to tacos to meat pies. If you don’t like the fat content of ground beef, choose lighter ground turkey.

Non–nut protein spreads. If you love peanut butter for its mixture of sweet and salty or its high protein concentration, replace it with hummus. Made from chickpeas, this dip and spread has a mild flavor that pairs well with many spices. For a sweeter nut butter replacement, try cream cheese. Chocolate. Candy-lovers with dentures can still satisfy their sweet tooth with chocolate. Just avoid candy bars loaded with nuts, toffee, or other potential denture hazards, you’re good to go. Treat yourself to an indulgent European chocolate bar or a few handmade chocolates.

Ripe fruits. Many fruits are naturally soft when they’re ripe and ready to eat. Whether you prefer oranges, tomatoes, peaches, bananas, or mango, you can enjoy most fruits with dentures. For a real treat, blend fruits up in some ice cream or frozen yogurt and create a smoothie. Cook vegetables. Vegetables tend to be crunchy in their raw state, but boiling, steaming, or microwaving veggies gives them a softer texture. The wide variety of vegetables means you never have to be bored with this healthy food group.

Having dentures doesn’t signal the end of your culinary adventures. Having dentures may lead you to try foods you haven’t eaten in a while or to come up with new ways to prepare your favorite meals. Treat your dentures right, and you’ll be eating well for many years to come.

Loose Dentures

If your dentures are in good condition, having the dentures adjusted or relined will improve the fit. This is necessary every so often as the shape of your mouth changes over time. If your dentures have been used for many years, it is possible that your dentures have expired their use. Typically, dentures should be checked every year, and often they should be remade when they lose their fit and are loose in your mouth after 5-10 years of use. Stabilizing Loose Dentures Ask your dentist or prosthodontist about supporting your denture with dental implants. Implants can be used to stabilize and retain the denture allowing you to chew more efficiently and feel the confidence of knowing that your denture will stay in place. Find Help for Loose Dentures with regular visits to your dentist to ensure your dentures are functioning properly. 


Your bone and gum ridges can recede or shrink, resulting in a loose-fitting denture. Loose dentures can cause various problems, including sores or infections. Dentures that do not fit properly can be adjusted. Avoid using a do-it-yourself kit to adjust your dentures, as this can damage the appliance beyond repair. Glues sold over-the-counter often contain harmful chemicals and should not be used on a denture.

Make sure your dentures fit. Over time, your gums and bones will change, and your dentures won't fit as well, this is normal. When this happens, your dentures need to be adjusted, modified, or replaced by your dentist. Never try to adjust your dentures yourself.

Handle dentures with care. Your dentures are delicate and can break easily. When holding your dentures, never squeeze, hold one end while you brush the other side until satisfied, then hold that end and do the same to the other side. Stand over a sink filled with water or place a towel on the counter. That way your dentures will be protected in case you accidentally drop them. Also, keep your dentures safely out of reach of children and pets. If your denture no longer fits properly, if it breaks, cracks or chips, or if one of the teeth becomes loose, see your dentist immediately. In many cases, dentists can make necessary adjustments or repairs, often on the same day.

Denture Teeth
The acrylic resins are relatively wear-resistant, and teeth made from these materials are expected to last between five and seven years with the more high-end teeth, and the lower grade teeth may last between one and three years. The biggest and most important part of any denture is the denture teeth that are used to fabricate the denture.

Lower-grade teeth will wear down very quickly, and you will need to replace the complete denture in a couple of years. If the denture has been made with high-quality denture teeth, even if the contour of the mouth changes and the denture becomes loose over a period of time, the denture can be relined (made to fit better) or rebased (replace the base of the denture) like new, thus, extending the life of the denture for a few more years. So having a quality denture teeth will actually work out less expensive in the long run.

Extraction and Dentures
You need a tooth extraction when there is no alternative to save or restore your damaged tooth. The Dentist removes the tooth from its socket to relieve pain brought about by infection or tooth decay. Extraction of the tooth is also recommended when the tooth is impacted or not in the correct position, which may cause further dental problems such as periodontal or gum disease.
Another reason for tooth extraction is to make room and straighten your teeth for orthodontic treatment. Some patients prefer an extraction as a less expensive alternative to filling or dental crown, or a root canal treatment.

Get Fast and Gentle Treatment
After a dental exam, your trusted Florida dentist performs a relatively painless tooth extraction with local anesthesia. If your tooth root appears to be exposed, it will be easily removed in one piece, or if not, then the dentist will gently loosen the tooth to widen the space in the bone and break the tiny elastic fibers that attach your tooth to the bone. Once your tooth separates from the bone, it will be removed with a forceps.

Fill the Space
Don’t walk around with missing tooth spaces in your mouth. We make state of the art Custom Dentures and Partials to fill missing teeth space in your mouth. We also do immediate Denture and Partial, and this means that the Denture or Partial goes in immediately after the dentist take out your teeth. 

Types of Dentures

1. Traditional/conventional complete full dentures
2. Partial dentures
3. Custom dentures
4. Immediate dentures

5. Implant supported dentures
6. Overdentures
7. Upper dentures

1. Traditional complete full dentures

Complete dentures replace all teeth in a patient’s mouth. Dentures sit on top of the gums, as opposed to dental bridges that are anchored to existing teeth. Complete dentures can be placed within the mouth as soon as the teeth are removed, or patients can wait 4-12 weeks after the teeth have been removed/extracted.

2. Partial dentures

Partial dentures are used when a patient still has some natural teeth, such as when one or more teeth remain in the upper or lower jaw. There is a pink-colored base partial that is called acrylic, there is another pink material that is a flexible partial and one or the other of these partial materials can be added to a metal base to make a metal partial. These three pieces hold the partial denture in the mouth.

They are convenient and removable, which means you can take them out whenever you need to. Partials help to prevent the other teeth from moving and are made from all-acrylic or metal base material.

3. Custom dentures

Custom dentures are made of more expensive teeth, which results in a more natural-looking smile. You can see the new denture before it is completed. The denture is customized for your smile, so it is natural-looking and suits your needs.

4. Immediate dentures

Immediate dentures are typically placed on the same day that the teeth are removed/extracted; however, you must be a good candidate for this type of denture.

5. Implant-supported dentures

With implant-supported dentures, a dental implant is a metal post placed in your gums to securely support the denture. The denture provides a great amount of support for a solid foundation, which allows the denture to stay securely in place. The dental implant also looks natural and will last a long time.

6. Overdentures

An overdenture sits on top of the gums and is held in place with dental implants. It can be placed on the upper and/or the lower jaw, depending on the patient’s needs. The overdenture is also removable.

7. Upper/lower dentures

Upper/lower dentures are just that—dentures for the upper/lower teeth. If you are missing teeth in the upper/lower jaw, these dentures are most commonly used because of economic reasons.

Dental Crowns

A dental crown is a tooth-shaped similar to your original tooth that is glued onto your natural tooth "cap" that is placed over a trimmed tooth -- to cover it and restore its shape and size, strength, and improve its appearance. The crowns, when cemented into place, fully encase the entire visible portion of a tooth that lies at and above the gum line.

When Is a Dental Crown Needed?
A dental crown may be needed in the following situations:

1. To protect a weak tooth (for instance, from decay, breaking or to hold together parts of a cracked tooth)
2. To restore an already broken tooth or a tooth that has been severely worn down
3. To cover and support a tooth with a large filling when there isn't a lot of tooth left
4. It helps to hold a dental bridge in place
5. To cover severely discolored teeth
6. To cover a dental implant

For children, a crown may be used on primary (baby) teeth in order to:
Save a tooth that has been so damaged by decay that it can't support a filling.
Protect the teeth of a child at high risk for tooth decay, especially when a child has difficulty keeping up with daily oral hygiene.
Decrease the frequency of general anesthesia for children unable because of age, behavior, or medical history to fully cooperate with the requirements of proper dental care.
In such cases, a pediatric dentist is likely to recommend a stainless steel crown.


What Types of Crowns Are Available?

Permanent crowns are made from stainless steel, all metal (such as gold or other alloy), porcelain-fused-to-metal, all resin, or all ceramic.

Stainless steel crowns are prefabricated crowns that are used on permanent teeth primarily as a temporary measure. The crown protects the tooth or filling while a permanent crown is made from another material. For children, a stainless steel crown is commonly used to fit over a primary tooth that's been prepared to fit it. The crown covers the entire tooth and protects it from further decay. When the primary tooth comes out to make room for the permanent tooth, the crown comes out naturally with it. In general, stainless steel crowns are used for children's teeth because they don't require multiple dental visits to put in place and so are more cost-effective than custom-made crowns and prophylactic dental care needed to protect a tooth without a crown.

Metals used in crowns include alloys that have a high content of gold or platinum, or base-metal alloys (for example, cobalt-chromium and nickel-chromium alloys). Metal crowns withstand biting and chewing forces well and probably last the longest in terms of wear down. Also, metal crowns rarely chip or break. The metallic color is the main drawback. Metal crowns are a good choice for out-of-sight molars.

Porcelain-fused-to-metal dental crowns can be color-matched to your adjacent teeth (unlike the metallic crowns). However, more wearing to the opposing teeth occurs with this crown type compared with metal or resin crowns. The crown's porcelain portion can also chip or break off. Next to all-ceramic crowns, porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns look most like normal teeth. However, sometimes the metal underlying the crown's porcelain can show through as a dark line, especially at the gum line and even more so if your gums recede. These crowns can be a good choice for front or back teeth as well as long bridges where the metal is needed for strength.
All-resin dental crowns are less expensive than other crown types. However, they wear down over time and are more prone to fractures than porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns.

Temporary versus permanent. Temporary crowns can be made in your dentist's office, whereas most permanent crowns are made in a dental laboratory. Typically, temporary crowns are made of an acrylic-based material or stainless steel and can be used as a temporary restoration until a permanent crown is constructed by a lab.
All-ceramic or all-porcelain dental crowns provide better natural color match than any other crown type and may be more suitable for people with metal allergies. All-ceramic crowns can be used for front and back teeth.

Why Fill The Space of Missing Teeth?

There will be a negative impact inside your mouth. Depending on the location of a missing tooth, you may not really notice a gap in your mouth, but each tooth supports others around it. This is the case with any missing tooth. Your teeth are designed to work together, so missing one or more teeth can sometimes impact speech, eating, and over time cause other problems. It may become harder or uncomfortable to chew, which may lead to only eating on one side of your mouth or having to eat at a much slower pace. This can affect your jaw and facial muscles. Missing teeth can also change the shape of your face, as it will, over time, cause your mouth to shift. Your bite might change to make up or compensate for lost teeth, and the remaining teeth may shift and move given the extra room.

Regardless of the underlying cause for missing teeth, whether you’re missing teeth because of tooth decay, gum disease, or an injury, talk to a dentist about options for replacing a missing tooth.

The cost will vary depending on the replacement option, the number of teeth you need to replace, and even your location. Some health insurances may cover replacement cost, or at least some of it. If not, some dental offices offer payment or financing plans. These treatment options are effective, and in most cases, a dental implant, bridge, or partial denture will last for years or even decades with regular brushing and care.

One of the more complex issues that occur as a result of tooth loss is the gradual erosion of the jawbone. Without the natural tooth root, bone tissue weakens and begins to break down. Bone loss commonly leads to bite alignment and functional issues of the jaw. As bone loss worsens, patients see a regression in the structure of their face.

Removable Partial Dentures

Your dentist may suggest complete dentures if you need to replace all your teeth. But if you only need to replace some of your teeth, you might be a candidate for a removable partial denture.
This dental appliance consists of replacement teeth attached to a natural-looking pink base designed to match the color of gums. Your natural teeth stabilize and hold the removable plastic base in place, although some dentures have a clasp that adjoins to natural teeth. Partial dentures might be an option if you need to replace multiple teeth on different sides or only one side of your mouth.

Removable partial dentures may be covered by some insurances. While cost varies, pricing calculators show a cost ranging from $1,500–$3,000, dependent on location; however, kush Dental price is a lot more affordable.

Advantages of Partial Dentures

Removable partial dentures are less expensive, they look and feel natural, and they’re also easier to repair and replace than other tooth replacement options.

Disadvantages of Partial Dentures

Some people might find partial dentures uncomfortable, at least until they adjust to wearing them.
Dentures must be removed and cleaned daily, and you’ll also remove them before bed. This constant handling can make them more susceptible to damage.

Fixed Dental Crown or Bridge

If you don’t want a dental implant, see if you’re a candidate for a crown or a fixed dental bridge. This tooth replacement option might be effective if you’re missing one or more teeth in the same area. A fixed bridge essentially bridges a gap caused by a missing tooth using a dental prosthetic or artificial tooth. The prosthetic is attached to adjacent teeth and then bonded in place using dental cement.  A single bridge will range in price depending on the materials used and your geographic location. Some sources indicate a single bridge can cost from $3,000–$5,000, but kush Dental price is a lot more affordable. The procedure may be covered by some insurances.

Advantages of Dental Bridges

Bridges are beneficial because they feel and look like natural teeth. You might find they improve the appearance of your natural teeth on either side of the space.
They’re also typically cheaper than dental implants.

Disadvantages of Dental Bridges

It can be difficult to clean around the tooth underneath the bridge.
Bridges involve altering existing teeth. Also, a poorly fitted bridge could gradually damage adjoining teeth over time.
In addition, plaque and bacteria could seep underneath the bridge, causing tooth decay or an infection.

Contact Us

Kush Dental
1012 State Road 436
Casselberry, Florida 32707
(407) 636-7602

Hours of Operation

Monday - Wednesday: 8am - 4pm
Thursday: 9am - 5pm
Friday: 9am - 2pm

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